B.B.A. in International Business Management (IBM)

International Business has become one of the most important fields of academic specialization and profession in the globalized world today. Globalization of the market, production with cosmopolitan manpower, has made management of business more complex with immense opportunities; which requires skillful navigation for success. Graduates from this program are equipped with theoretical and practical know-how for successful management of business domestically and internationally.
Career Opportunities :
- Import and Export Manager
- Supply and Logistics Officer
- National and International Market Development Officer
- Marketing Manager
- Production Manager
- Quality Manager
- National and International Entrepreneur
- Financial Manager
- Corporate Compliance and Law Manager
- Business Coordinator
- National and international Exhibition Organizer

Number of admissions
40 person/year

Course study period
4 years

Tuition fee
40,000 THB/semester
Accomplish Business and Career Success with International Business Management

Why Choose IBM ?
🔴A wide expanse of career opportunity
🔴A highly sought marketable multi- skill
and multi-functional manpower
🔴Managerial skills for business owners
and prospective entrepreneur
🔴Scope for entry in corporate career as mid-level manager

Areas Covered
🎈International Business Management
🎈International Marketing Management
🎈Import & Export Management
🎈Logistics and Supply Chain Management
🎈International Finance and Accounting
🎈Business Law and International Entrepreneurship
🎈Digital Content Creation and Marketing