Naresuan University Internaional College

Third language

Third language

HONORARY ASSIST. PROF. Michael Karl-Heinz Bruckner

Representative of Foreign Languages (german language)

Education :

B.Sc, Technical University Berlin
M.Sc in Physics, Technical University Munich


- Kanokkarn Snae Namahoot, Chakkrit Snae Namahoot, Ketwadee Buddhabhumbhitak, and Michael Bruckner (2022). Thatwelltopia: A High-Quality Wellness Tourism Platform. Y. Luo (ED.): CDVE 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13492, pp. 45-55.
- Chakkrit Snae Namahoot and Michael Bruckner (2023). Supporting rural outpatients through a Web-based conversational user interface. ICIC-ELB, 14, 1, pp. 1-11
- Boa, E.A., Brückner, M. (2023). The New Paradigm of Work from Home: An Exploratory Study in Thailand. In: Luo, Y. (eds) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering. CDVE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14166. Springer, Cham.

Office Phone No: -


ASSOC. PROF. Wanida Bamroong-Thai

รองศาสตราจารย์ วนิดา บํารุงไทย

Lecturer of Foreign Languages (Thai language)

Education :

M.A. in Thai Language & Thai Literature, College of Education,Prasarnmit, 2014
B.A. in Thai, College of Education,Prasarnmit, 1974


Office Phone No: 055-968525


Ms.Euen Hee Lee

Lecturer of Foreign Languages (Korean language)

Education :

M.Edu in Educational Technology, Hanyang Cyber, 2017
B.Sc. in Nursing, Korean National Open University, 2010
Certificate of Instructor of Korean as a Foreign Language / Korean National University Lifelong Education Center Association, 2007


- Chon Ne Ville and Euen Hee Lee. (2021). Let Students Choose: Thai Students Learning Korean at International College in Thailand. Conference proceeding: The 10th National and the 3rd International Conference Management Sciences 2021 Innovation Management for Enhancing the Local Economy (186 – 190). Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok, Thailand

Office Phone No: 055-968572


Ms.Mu Yanhong

Lecturer of Foreign Languages (chinese language)

Education :

MA in English, Naresuan University, 2014
BA in Chinese Education, Tianjin Normal University, 2006


- Bo, Y.; Kohler, K.; Rungruang, A; Yanhong., M; Netthanyakonwong, A.; Kittijarukhajorn, A. (2024). Three Sets of Characteristics of Chinese Anti-pandemic Literature: Realism Versus Postmodernism; Instrumentality Versus Artistry; and Nationalism Versus Liberalism. Journal of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University. 24 (1), 537-565.
- Mu, Y., & Rungruang, A. (2023). The Use of English and Chinese Predicates by Thai University Students. Journal of Sinology, 17 (2), 25–44.
- Rungruang, A., Chuenchaichon, Y., Cedar, P., Mu, Y. H. (2023). Perceptions of the Teaching-research Nexus: A Case Study of English Major Students at Naresuan University. Journal of Faculty of Education, Thaksin University, 23 (1), 50-62.
- Rungruang, A., Methitham, P., Netthanyakonwong, A., M, Y. H. (2021). Which structure causes more serious problems?: A case study of Chinese and English predicates. Proceedings of The 14th National and International Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOC) Network Conferences, (pp.486-496). Phitsanulok, Thailand: Naresuan University.
- Rungruang, A., Mu, Y. (2020). Predicates in Chinese and English. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Phayao, 8 (1), 76-95.
- ruang, A & Mu, Y. (2017). Mandarin tone production by Thai CFL speakers. Payap University Research Symposium (pp. 44-55). Chiang Mai, Thailand: Payap University.


Motivation of Thai and Chinese University Students in English Language Learning (2024)


Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

Office Phone No: 055-968524


MS. Yoshiko Yamada

Lecturer of Foreign Languages (Japanese language)

Education :

- Master of Arts : Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Department of English Language and Literature University of Northern Iowa,USA
- Bachelor of Political Science : Department of SCience in the School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan Minor: Economics


Office Phone No: -


General Information


Naresuan University International College,
99 Moo 9, Thapo Sub-district,
Muang District, Phitsanulok, Thailand 65000
Tel: +66 55968585 , +66 55968530

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